✅What I can draw:

• Feral animals
• Dragons/reptiles
• Customs/redesigns
• Chibis
• Any kind of gore (ranges from light to heavy gore)
• Horror/macabre
• Artistic nudity
• Humans/humanoids
• Ship art
• Fanart
• NSFW/Suggestive

❌What I can't draw:

• Anything with more than 8 characters in a canvas
• Complex mecha
• Anything related to politics,
• Anything that is considered offensive.
• Certain kinks (ask)

🖌️Art styles I can do:

• My art style
• Chibi
• Meme-y styles
• Kemono
• Semi-realistic

💰Payment Method:

• Paypal
— I will be sending an invoice to the client.
• GCash (Philippines)
— Payment process will be discussed
• Game in-app purchases (iap)
— Payment process will be discussed


➡️ When commissioning me, pls give me references and as much detail with what you want to draw. But don't take things too far with just sending anything explicit without asking if I want to see it.➡️ Unless discussed otherwise, all commissions are for PERSONAL USE only. They are not to be used for commercial use (e.g.: selling and distributing for merchandise/bussiness, being used for company, etc.).➡️ When chatting with me about your commission I will be asking you several questions about the kind of commission you want, an overview of your character's personality, and the like. I do this so I can have a better idea of how to do your commission and to capture the feel and personality of your character ^^. I will of course, refrain from any personal questions and all things discussed in our chat regarding commissions will be kept confidential.➡️ I will not tolerate any rude behavior, harrassment, nor you disrespecting my Terms of Service/prices/original species/creations. Should I detect any red flags or feel uncomfortable, I am free to cancel your commission and/or block/report/blacklist you.
If you've already payed for your commission and it has been cancelled for such reasons, I shall refund you. If commission reaches the sketch-lines/done at most 45%, you'll have a full refund. If your commission reaches the flats-shaded/is 46-100% finished, then you'll have 80% of your refund.


➡️ The turn-around time of your commission can depend on different factors such as complexity of commission and my schedule. Your commission can take 4 days to 1 week at least and 2 weeks to 80 days at most.➡️ In the case that the commission takes more than 80 days, the total payment will be halfed.➡️ I do deadlines, but I decide when to set them. I am free to move the dates whenever I want to as well. Though I'll be sure to keep you updated on the progress and/or any updates on such extensions or other concerns.
I have other personal responsibilities to attend to, so I can't just finish the commission in one day. My art style and progress also takes time for the quality of the art I deliver, so do pls understand if I have to extend the deadlines.
➡️ If you do want a deadline, be sure to inform me early on about it. However, I will give any feedback if I agree with your given deadline.


➡️ I will be giving you two options: (1) Either pay upfront or (2) pay the first half first to get me started on the initial sketch, then the other half once I say I have finished your commission. 2nd option is preferred to ensure security for both sides and so that no scams will be made.
However, if commissioner in question would like a different payment plan, then I am open to discuss it with them, but I am also allowed to deny if I see it to be a better choice.
➡️ I will be sending you an invoice to recieve the payment. For other questions or concerns payment details and process, please contact me about it ^^.


➡️ If the art/design in question is your commissioned art/fanart/oc, then it is yours to have and share, but PLEASE CREDIT ME PROPERLY and DON'T TRY TO REMOVE MY WATERMARK, nor claim it to be made/drawn by you.
When properly creditting me, be sure to TAG me, LINK my account (if not taggable), or MENTION my name and platform you found me on (i.e. Draphene Sprok on Instagram; Ctto: @draphenesproktrash)
Link to my social media
• Instagram: @draphenesproktrash
• Twitter: @Draphene_Sprok
➡️ Whatever I made for you is not a base nor for commercial use (unless comissioned with the intent of using it comercially). You shall not trace nor heavily reference my art, unless I state that it is a free to use base.➡️ If the art in question is an adopt I made and sold to you, it's all yours, just again, make sure to properly credit the specific art/character I made for you.
➡️ If the commissioned art or adopt in question is yours, I still partially have the right as the artist of the art piece I created to use it for promotional or portfolio material. Though ownership of the adopt is definitely yours.
➡️ If you are going to sell a custom/adopt then it's alright, just do NOT sell the adopt in a higher price (unless it has extra art) nor in a too low price; and ALWAYS CREDIT me at least once for the creation of the adopt.➡️ In terms of customs or adopts, I don't do refunds. If you need to get the money back from your adopt, just resell the adopt for the same price.➡️ If you want to change or add something to the design, then I don't mind. Just again, credit me as the original artist and designer.➡️ Whatever I made for you is not a base nor for commercial use (unless commissioned with the intent of using it comercially). You shall not trace nor heavily reference my art, unless I state that it is a free to use base.
➡️ If you will be using a commissioned art piece or design for commercial use (i.e. T-shirt prints, posters, comics, logos, company mascot, etc.), You will be CHARGED EXTRA USD depending on how you plan to use it and the kind of comission it is.
➡️ COPYRIGHT: You will have complete ownership of whatever you commission me. HOWEVER, you MUST CREDIT ME AT LEAST ONCE ON YOUR WEBSITE/STORE AS THE DESIGNER of the specific commission.➡️ WATERMARK: I can remove my watermark from the commission as you wish, but YOU MUST GIVE ME CREDIT WHERE IT'S DUE. Though you can also ask me to include a small signature/watermark on the side if you prefer to include it.➡️ As the person who drew said commission, I still hold the right to at least post it on my social medias or use as example/s for promotional material.


➡️ When giving you the finished commission, I'll give you a google drive link for you to access the art so you can download it in a better quality. Though if the client prefers me to send the clear copy through email (if the provided Google Drive link does not work for them), then I can oblige.